
What is Plesk? A Beginners Guide for 2024

It is necessary to have a control panel in order to efficiently handle the numerous components of your server when you host your website or application on the internet. Your hosting provider, as well as other considerations like cost and user-friendliness, play a significant role in determining which control panel you should choose. You need to make use of a control panel that is not just inexpensive but also simple to operate.

One of the most widely used platforms for administering your internet server is called Plesk. However, what exactly is Plesk, and how does it function? In the event that you are curious about what Plesk is and what it is capable of doing, this article will offer you all the information you require, including its features, pricing, and other relevant details. Let’s not waste any more time and get straight down to business!

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How does Plesk work?

Providing users with an interface for controlling their website, application, and server, Plesk is a control panel that delivers this functionality. The first development of this platform took place in Russia in the year 2001, and it was sold to Parallel. 2015 marked the year when Plesk became an independent entity. British Oakley Capital Limited completed the acquisition of Plesk in 2017, and the company has since become a part of WebPros.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and dedicated servers are managed with this control panel, which is among the most popular and leading control panels in the industry. One of the reasons that Plesk is so popular is because of its user interface (UI), which is both friendly and intuitive. This makes it simple to use even if you do not have a lot of experience managing servers with other software.

What is the Function of Plesk?

When it comes to managing the many features of their server, website, or web application, Plesk gives consumers a user-friendly interface that they can use to handle these aspects. Prior to making use of Plesk, you are required to register with a hosting provider that offers Plesk as one of the control panels that you can use in order to manage your server. Some of the most well-known providers that offer support for Plesk are

You are able to carry out a variety of operations on your servers by utilizing Plesk. The following is a list of some of the fundamental activities that users are able to perform with the Plesk interface:

Email Accounts: When you sign up for a hosting package, the majority of providers will provide you the choice to register different domain names for your electronic mail accounts. Within Plesk, users have the ability to generate, manage, and organize emails for their own domain names.

Plesk allows you to manage your files by allowing you to create folders, rename your files, transfer them across folders, and delete them totally from your server if you so desire.

Backups: Plesk is also capable of backing up the data on your server or website. When users create backups, Plesk gives them the option to export the backup file to a cloud storage provider during the process.

Plesk gives users the ability to administer databases, including MySQL and PostgreSQL, among other database management systems.

Managing numerous domains from a single location is another feature that consumers may take use of.

Describe what a Plesk Server is.

It is a reference to a system that is either virtual or bare metal and is configured to use Plesk as its control panel. Through the usage of the Plesk server, customers are able to host a website or web application that can be accessed and utilized by other people on the internet. There are a number of major operating systems that Plesk Server is compatible with, including Windows and Linux.

Users have the ability to determine the types of computing resources they require when building a Plesk Server, taking into consideration the type of application they wish to host as well as their financial constraints. Plesk servers are priced differently depending on a number of other aspects in addition to the computational power that they provide. These elements include the number of domains that are to be hosted, the priority of customer support, and access to a number of other tools that one might require in order to run their website or web application.

Features of the WordPress Toolkit offered by Plesk

Through the use of the WordPress Toolkit, customers are able to effortlessly install, manage, and remove WordPress websites from their computer servers. A further feature of the toolkit is that it gives users the ability to develop plugins and theme packs, as well as configure updates. Users are also able to monitor the performance of their websites as well as the security of such websites.

Management of the Server

Through the use of Plesk, administrators are able to monitor the resources and performance of their servers, as well as control the access levels of the various users. Using Plesk’s user interface, which is basic and easy to understand, all of this is accomplished. Learn how to add users and assign roles in Plesk by reading this guide, which is intended for those who are new to the Plesk platform.

A vault for applications

You can install programs on your server with only a few clicks using this marketplace, which is a marketplace of applications. A number of popular applications can be found in the Plesk app catalog. These applications include Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, e-commerce platforms like Magento, OpenCart, and PrestaShop, and customer relationship management (CRM) software like SugarCRM and vTiger.

In addition, Plesk gives users the ability to block applications that they might not want their clients to utilize. Customers will, therefore, only have access to applications that are pertinent to the service for which they have paid. In the event that a client pays for managed WordPress hosting, for instance, it is possible that you will be required to stop any other applications that are not pertinent to the service.

Migration of people

The ability to move websites or web applications from other web hosting control panels is one of the features offered by Plesk. The migration of websites from one Plesk installation on a virtual private server (VPS) or dedicated server to another is another option for users. Take a look at our detailed guide that will teach you how to migrate from Plesk to Plesk.

Various Safety Measures

Plesk is equipped with a number of security features, such as SSL Certificates, an integrated firewall, virus scanning, data backup, brute force protection, a password policy, and two-factor authentication. In order to ensure the safety of your servers and all of the apps that are installed on them, these characteristics are very necessary.

Functionality of eCommerce

Plesk comes equipped with a number of built-in eCommerce functions, such as the integration of payment gateways, product management, shopping cart setup, and customer order management. Users are able to easily manage and expand their eCommerce websites with the help of these functionality capabilities.

Management of the Customers

Additionally, Plesk provides its users with a customer interface that enables them to get assistance, manage their accounts, and purchase extra services that they might potentially require. The workload of the administrators is reduced as a result of this because clients are able to complete the majority of the chores on their own.

Toolkits for Self-Repair

In recent times, Plesk has introduced a number of new features, and this is one of them. Users are able to use command-line and graphical user interface-based tools to correct faults or any other problems that are affecting their servers.

The Plesk Advisor

Users are able to monitor and optimize the performance of their servers with the assistance of this program. In order to optimize their server for the best speed, stability, and security, users are guided through a variety of activities that can be taken by the Plesk Advisor. Additionally, customers are able to check their ratings for a variety of parameters, which enables them to find areas in which they may improve.

Extensions Plesk offers more than 150 extensions that customers can install on their websites or web applications in order to improve the capabilities and functioning of those websites or applications. There are a variety of helpful apps available in the Plesk extensions shop, such as antivirus software, an SEO toolkit, a backup manager, a server health monitor, a resource consumption meter, interaction with CloudFare, and more. Putting all of these in place requires only a few clicks of the mouse.

Analytical Reports and Reports

Users have the ability to monitor the real-time performance of their website or web application by utilizing Plesk Reports and Analytics, which enables them to make decisions based on accurate information. Within the Reports and Analytics dashboard, customers have the ability to view metrics such as performance, traffic, and resource utilization metrics. Additionally, Plesk displays these indicators in a visual way that is not overly complicated to understand whatsoever.

Administration of Applications

Users are able to successfully install and administer programs on their server with the assistance of this functionality. For instance, users can save time by installing applications like blogs, forums, and e-commerce websites with just a few clicks when they use the internet.

If you are concerned about the performance of your website and the quality of the user experience, it should be a no-brainer for you to choose to Supercharge Your Hosting with Plesk because of all the features and capabilities that it possesses.


In a nutshell, Plesk is an all-encompassing server control panel that comes equipped with a variety of features and effective tools for the management of your web applications, websites, and servers. The plain and user-friendly interface of this software makes it simple to carry out duties related to website and server management. These tasks include the creation and management of email accounts, the installation of SSL certificates, performance monitoring, and the creation of backups, among other things.

Users are able to secure their websites and applications from a variety of cyber dangers by utilizing Plesk’s fundamental security tools, which include an integrated firewall, malware scanning, and a password policy. In addition, we discovered that Plesk provides users with a number of extensions that they may utilize to further increase the capabilities and functionality of their Plesk control panel.

Plesk is an all-in-one solution that website owners, managers, and developers may use to successfully manage their servers and websites. In general, Plesk is a solution that can improve website management. It is also reasonably priced in comparison to other systems that offer capabilities that are comparable.

Plesk is available on Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Hosting, Cloud Dedicated Servers, and Dedicated Servers from VisualWebTechnologies. In addition, there are alternatives available for Linux and Windows. To determine which option is best for you, please get in touch with our sales staff.

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